发布于:2020-7-23 12:52:16  访问:1 次 回复:0 篇
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Meditation - 10 Best Meditation Methods
Nobody will tell you it is easy to make this time, but those who have made the sacrifice and have done so will tell you it is worth it. It makes you more productive Since you become more relaxed. You can do more. When you come home you will have more energy and won`t just flop out on the coach. Another side-effect that many have discovered is that they need sleep. There is at least one hour won!
Observing yourself you learn that the mind is constructed of ideas that are repetitive and they come and go. Trying to find yourself you cannot, you must neglect. It`s a failure of the thinker, ego-based identity, the control. In the practice of meditation, you loose the meditator stays.
The same is true of someone suffering from afflictions of the mind will, ego, doubt, and frustration due to unfulfilled desires. The symptoms are rarely recognized by us, and when we do, we don`t understand how to change in order to live with personal power and harmony. In order to understand what is limiting us, we have to learn isolate to see and intentionally respond to these obstacles.
Here`s a simple exercise that will give you a taste of meditation, which is known as vipassana chennai meditation . Find a place--your bedroom , veranda, garden, or even your office . So vipassana chennai you can breathe sit in a comfortable position keeping your spine erect. If you prefer, close your eyes, or simply let them develop a soft gaze.
BN: Right. So the less we are causes or conditionsfor vipassana meditation the destruction of animals, that is a situation that is better,without breaking the precepts, even though in Theravada we can eat meat.
But stress-reduction isn`t the purpose of meditation. The true purpose is to root out deep emotional complexes which dhamma reside within us in the form of conditioned mental and emotional reactive habits like anger, depression, lust, anxiety, negativity, fear, worry, etc.. These habits cause us pain. Intense pain. And we have them in different degrees.
Researchers from the University of Berkley recently wanted to look into this mind body connection. They reported at the 2010 issue of Emotionpeople who have been practicing meditation for longer or two decades are very good at studying the mind body connection. They`re much better than people that are dancers or just the general public. Let us take a closer look.
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